
Miscellaneous articles on staff recognition

Free advice and information on finding and keeping staff available from the Alberta government

I had just set up the room at the Bonnyville and District Chamber of Commerce office for a workshop and was waiting for the first participants to arrive when I noticed, at the back of the room, the literature display from Alberta Employment and Immigration.

Two titles caught my attention right away, due to their relevance to what I was about to present: Improving Staff Retention Without Spending Buckets of Money. Both booklets provide good information and advice on recruiting, selecting and retaining staff and are worth adding to your professional library. Both booklets are available at no cost to Alberta employers (and for a minimal fee for non-Albertans) from Employment and Immigration service centres throughout Alberta (www.employment.alberta.ca/offices) or can be ordered (hardcopy) or downloaded from the Alberta Learning Information Service website (www.alis.alberta.ca). While there, check out other print and online resources for employers.

Finders & Keepers guides the reader through the recruitment process, from creating a workplace where current and potential employees would want to work, to actually finding and selecting new staff. A large part of the book is devoted to keeping “valued employees.”

“High wages will attract people but will not keep them for long
if other factors in the work environment are not favourable.”

—Finders & Keepers [p. 35]

Its 60-plus pages include useful information and forms for calculating the cost of turnover, assessing the effectiveness of different recruitment strategies, tracking recruitment results and rating applicants. There is also a checklist for new staff orientation and tips on observing human rights laws, recruitment and interview practices, and simple, easy-to-use staff recognition.

Beyond Pay and Benefits focuses on what Alberta employers have done to cope with labour shortages. The first few pages provide tips on staff recognition, maintaining a work-life balance and employment engagement. The remaining pages profile nine Alberta employers, describing their experiences with recruiting and retaining staff.

These organizations, representing a good cross-section of the economy, include Athabasca University, Calgary Winter Club, Capital Health, Executive Royal Inn Hotel and Conference Centre, K-Bro Linen and Real Canadian Superstore.

Both books provide lists of other resources for employers.

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