Articles on GREAT Staff Recognition:
Five ingredients create high-impact staff recognition
Well-delivered staff recognition has five components. It is genuine, relevant, explicit, appropriate and timely. Read article...
In some workplaces, criticism is common...praise isn’t
When workers live with criticism, they are unsure of how to respond to praise and confused if the recognition is not specific. Read article...
Leaders’ words and action can make value statements relevant
Too often, organizations’ mission and value statements are like wallpaper: they are on the wall, but no one notices them because what they say is not reflected in the day-to-day actions of leaders, who fail to encourage or recognize staff for doing things that reflect these values. Read article...
On this week, ignore the 3Fs of staff recognition
Food, flowers and fudge (and other fattening foods) are not the only ways to acknowledge the contributions of staff and designated weeks are aren’t the only time to do it. Read article...
They won’t love that gift just because it is from you
Employees may appreciate gifts that acknowledge their contributions and service, but your gifts will become special if you care enough to ensure they are appropriate for the recipient. Read article...
Meaningful recognition begins with knowing people and what they do
Rather than just encouraging employees to keep doing whatever they do, managers should spend time discovering what they do well so they can provide explicit feedback. Read article...
Five ingredients make staff recognition meaningful
Recognizing staff can be compared to assembling a jigsaw puzzle. Not all pieces are required to “see” the complete picture, but some—usually those found near the centre—are essential to understand the complete message. Read article...
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